sdw alumni: Virtual Fireside Meeting on the topic of Supervisory Board Directorships | 04/2021

On 28 April 2021, Tina gave a virtual fireside presentation on the topic of “Supervisory board directorship as a career option”. Topics addressed included how to become a supervisory board member and the selection process, the competencies required for that role but also what ongoing supervisory board members should be aware of when considering pursuing a NED (non-executive-director) role. The event was moderated by sdw alumni president Heiner Feldhaus and attended by more than 100 alumni.

To the article on (German only): Link

"Closing the gender investment gap" | 04/2021

Tina contributed to the report “Closing the gender investment gap for a more resilient innovative inclusive and balanced economy” by The Knowledge4Innovation Forum, Collabwith and The Wominvest Observatory.

Her thoughts in a nutshell:

First: Lean in on where the money comes from - the parties committing the funding sources including PEs, VCs but also public sources are in pool-position to have an impact on the role and senior representation of women both in their organization but also the companies they fund.

Second: In order to do so they need to overcome unconscious biases in their decision making process and understand and believe in the benefits of having and funding more diverse teams.

Third: We need to foster diversity in the workplace and live it from the top including both critical mass as well as senior representation in the boardroom and below.

IWD2021 #ChooseToChallenge | 03/2021

IWD2021 #ChooseToChallenge: Female Leaders Across The Globe

Tina’s views on female leaders were published among other inspiring female leaders in SR Group’s (Brewer Morris, Carter Murray, Frazer Jones, SR Search and Taylor Root) #ChooseToChallenge Magazine for the 2021 International Women’s Day.

To Tina “choose to challenge” means to “Speak up! Take responsibility! And choose to pursue what you really believe in and want to stand for”

For the whole interview see page 143 in the magazine: Link

Fidelio Annual Update on Diversity in German and UK Boardrooms | 01/2021

Quota or No Quota? Progress Towards Diversity in UK & German Boardrooms

London based Fidelio Partners will host its sixth annual update on diversity in German and UK Boardrooms on 21-Jan-2021. Fidelio provides Search, Evaluation and Development at Board and Executive Committee level for organisations cross-border, cross-sector, cross-function,

Panelists include:

  • Dame Alison Carnwath, Independent Non-Executive Director, BP plc; Audit Committee Chair, BASF SE and Zurich Insurance Group; Independent Director, PACCAR Inc

  • Tina Kleingarn, Supervisory Board Member, Deutsche Wohnen SE; Partner, Westend Corporate Finance

  • Dr Hildegard Bison, Board Member, BP Europa SE

  • Denise Wilson, Chief Executive, Hampton-Alexander Review

  • Philine Erfurt Sandhu, Academic Director of the Strategic Competence for Women on Supervisory Boards Certification Programme at the University of Economics and Law Berlin

  • Gillian Karran-Cumberlege (panel chair), Co-Founder, Fidelio Partners; Board Member, German British Forum; Board Member, Chapter Zero

EU Debate Panel | 12/2020

Tina was a key note speaker on the EU Debate Panel hosted by Maria da Graça Carvalho, MEP and Chair of the K4I Forum, from 7.12.20-11.12.20.

On 7-Dec-2020 Tina was part of the opening event hosted by EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Ms Mariya Gabriel, on the European Innovation Area. Further, Tina gave her views (9-Dec-2020) on the topic of “Increasing the role and impact of woman inside the innovation ecosystems”.

Tina outlined three actions for EIA to tackle gender inequality in innovation. First, the policy should lean in where the money comes from, such as venture capital and public sources. Second, the EU needs to help these investors overcome unconscious biases and see the benefit of diverse teams. Third, diversity must be fostered in the workplace, with senior female representation showcased in the boardroom and below.

Image 07.12.20 at 20.05.jpg

PwC Digitalisation Webinar | 09/2020

Webinar – Digitale Transformation und die neue Realität 

Tina was a panelist in the webinar Digital Transformation (Digitale Transformation und die neue Realität) hosted by PwC’s female M&A network on Sep 17th, 2020. Co-panelists include

  • Susanne Arnoldy (Head of Advisory Digital and Partner at PwC),

  • Ursula Radeke-Pietsch (Global Head of Strategic Projects of Siemens AG Munich, and Deputy Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of HelloFresh SE), as well as

  • Moderation: Verena Oehler (Director Deal Analytics & Technology at PwC).

Universität Hochschule St. Gallen (HSG) - Guest Lecture | 03/2020

Guest lecture on “The challenges and opportunities of the New Payment Industry” (Die Herausforderungen und Chancen der New Payment Industrie) upon invitation of Prof. Dr. Thomas Rudolph, Dr. Kristina Kleinlercher, and Ernst Dieter Berninghaus as part of the master class "Winning the Digital Game - Digitale Transformation Erfolgreich Managen” at the Gottlieb Duttweiler Chair on March 3rd, 2020.

Deloitte #InspireWIN (Women In Network) | 02/2020

Tina represented the the Working Moms e.V. as a panelist at the conference #InspireWIN | Women In Network powered by Deloitte and hosted at the Design Offices in Frankfurt on Feb 19th, 2020.

#InspireWIN brings together future leaders and industry experts from banks, investment management and insurance companies The event offers the opportunity for an interactive exchange on current topics and the expansion of personal networks.

Panel discussion featuring:

  • Dr. Udo Bohdal-Spiegelhoff
    (Partner, Head of Capital Deloitte Consulting)

  • Birgit Spors
    (KFW – Leiterin des Bereiches Inlandsmarketing & Digitale Kanäle)

  • Tina Kleingarn
    (Partner bei Westend Corporate Finance, Working Moms e.V )

  • Stefanie Kampmann
    (Partnerin Financial Services Solutions, Deloitte Consulting)

  • Moderatorin: Isabelle Hoyer
    (Gründerin & CEO PANDA)

On the topics of:

  • Mit welchen Qualitäten können Frauen in der Zukunft der Führung überzeugen?

  • Welcher Mind Change ist notwendig? Profitieren Frauen durch den digitalen Wandel - oder gelingt der Wandel durch Frauen?

  • Wie findet frau das richtige Netzwerk? Wo sehen Sie für sich Ihren wahren Mehrwert Ihres Netzwerkes?„Mit welchen Qualitäten können Frauen als Führungskräfte in der digitalen Zukunft überzeugen?“

WEConnect Presented by MOODY’s and VdU | 11/2019

WEConnect International and Moody’s Foundation have come together to create a training course designed specifically for growth-oriented women business owners to receive practical education and tools!

Tina hosted a workshop on Risk Assessment and Due Diligence as part of the WEConnect Programm by Moody’s and Verband deuscher Unternehmerinnen (VdU) for female enterpreneurs and business owners on Nov 7th, 2019 in Frankfurt.

Gleiss Lutz General Counsel Round Table | 09/2019

WiB (Women in Business) General Counsel Roundtable hosted by Gleiss Lutz at the Villa Merton on Sep 18th, 2019.

Key note speech delivered by Tina Kleingarn (Founder Westend Corporate Finance and member of the supervisory board of Deutsche Wohnen SE) and Kirsten Lange (CEO Fritsch Holding AG, member of the supervisory board of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG as well as ATS Automation Inc.) addressing the topics of management reporting, documentation requirements and liability considerations from the perspective of the supervisory board.

RheinMain University | 2019

Tina Kleingarn lectured a seminar series on Corporate Finance (Beschafftungs- und Absatzfinanzierung) at the chair of Prof. Dr. Thomas Heimer, faculty of engineering, from RheinMain University during summer semester 2019.

The RheinMain University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule RheinMain) is a university located in Wiesbaden, Germany. It has 13,468 students in over 70 study programs. The university is part of the IT-Cluster Rhine-Main-Neckar, the "Silicon Valley of Europe".

Working Moms and Robert Bosch GmbH | 04/2019

Presentation: "Die Rolle und Verantwortung des Aufsichtsrats - Einblicke in die Praxis“

Followed by a warm welcome note by Filiz Albrecht (Executive Vice President Human Resources, Robert Bosch GmbH) Tina Kleingarn (member of the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Wohnen SE) & Sabrina Biedenbach (founder and owner of Board Office Biedenbach) gave an insightful presentation on the responsibility of the modern supervisory board.

The event was held on Apr 9th, 2019 at the co-creation space Stuttgart Connector upon invitation of the Robert Bosch GmbH.

Frankfurt School FS Invest | 12/2018

Hosted by FS Invest, the oldest and largest student-run finance club at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Westend Corporate Finance represented gave an introduction to the requirements and benefits of exit readiness followed by a practical case study on standard costing to be solved by 30 selected students.

WCF was represented by Tina Kleingarn and Johannes Plass.

Süddeutsche Zeitung Plan W | 11/2018

Tina Kleingarn was featured in Süddeutsche Zeitung’s Plan W magazine in a portrait series titled “Kennen Sie schon Tina Kleingarn?”

PLAN W - Frauen verändern Wirtschaft appears four times a year in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, a German national subscription daily newspaper with 1.28 million readers.

Kennen Sie schon Tina Kleingarn?

“Ich sehe mich als eine Vertreterin einer neuen Generation von Aufsichtsräten, die sich aktiv mit hohem Engagement, Anspruch und Beratungskompetenz in die Gremienarbeit einbringt”

KPMG Audit Committee Quarterly | 10/2018

Der Aufsichtsrat in der Digitalisierungsklemme – zwischen Hype und strategischer Herausforderung: Handlungsempfehlungen für die digitale Transformation.

Tina contributed an article in the Audit Committee Quarterly journal (volume III/2018) published by the Audit Committee Institute e.V. (ACI) and KPMG providing recommendations re. the challenges the supervisory board is facing around digital transformation.

Audit Committee Quarterly is a quarterly published professional journal. It contains information on current issues concerning the Supervisory Board, corporate governance in general and relevant developments in accounting and taxation.