EU Debate Panel | 12/2020

Tina was a key note speaker on the EU Debate Panel hosted by Maria da Graça Carvalho, MEP and Chair of the K4I Forum, from 7.12.20-11.12.20.

On 7-Dec-2020 Tina was part of the opening event hosted by EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Ms Mariya Gabriel, on the European Innovation Area. Further, Tina gave her views (9-Dec-2020) on the topic of “Increasing the role and impact of woman inside the innovation ecosystems”.

Tina outlined three actions for EIA to tackle gender inequality in innovation. First, the policy should lean in where the money comes from, such as venture capital and public sources. Second, the EU needs to help these investors overcome unconscious biases and see the benefit of diverse teams. Third, diversity must be fostered in the workplace, with senior female representation showcased in the boardroom and below.

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