Tina joined Dr Claus Buhleier (Board Member AdAR, Deloitte), Olaf Klinger (CFO Symrise), Ute Wolf (NED AkzoNobel, Infineon et al.) and Oliver Hedtmann (Head of Corporate Office Deutsche Börse) to discuss the topic of "Effektive Informationsversorgung: Voraussetzung für eine erfolgreiche Aufsichtsratsarbeit”. The panel was hosted by Dr. Daniela Favoccia (AdAR Executive Board and partner Hengeler Mueller).
Podcast Turned Around: #32: Exit Readiness bei Restrukturierungen mit Tina Kleingarn | 07/2024
“Ready - steady - go! Exit Readiness has become a vital part and important element of more and more exits. In the 32nd episode of the podcast series "Turned Around", Tina takes a deep dive on exit readiness situations in turnarounds and discusses lively and controversely with Michael Hedtsück and Rüdiger Tibbe. The podcast is accessible on all main podcast platforms (Podimo, Spotify, Apple etc.)
Transformationskonferenz IfUS Institut | 06/2024
Upon invitation of Prof. Dr. Henning Werner from IfUS für Unternehmenssanierung at the SRH Hochschule Heidelberg Tina attended a panel on the topic of „Wirksame Transformation im Mittelstand - Geschäftsmodell- und Kulturwandel erfolgreich gestalten” together with Mark Poppenburg and Oliver Sowa, moderated by Georgiy Michailov and Henning Werner.
Panel Moderation re. Female Careers in Investment Banks | 05/2024
Tina moderated a panel on Female Careers in Investment Banks at the Working Mom’s members’ night on 15-May-2024.
Panelists included Anja Nieberding (MD Goldman Sachs Asset Management), Sonja Lilienthal (Senior Adviser at BlackFin Capital Partners, formerly MD Rothschild M&A) and Caroline Poetsch-Hennig (Head of Private Wealth Management JP Morgan).
Speech at WP Board Academy | 11/2023
Erfahrungsbericht als Aufsichtsrätin: Tina gave a speech on her experience and learnings as supervisory board member during the WP Board Academy on Dec-07. The event was hosted by the WP Human Capital Group.
Mannheim University: Guest Lecture on Corporate Governance | 11/2023
Tina gave a guest lecture on governance enablers and how compliance functions can be of most help to the board. The lecture was held upon invitation by Prof. Alexandra Niessen-Rünzi, chair of corporate governance at Mannheim University.
Keynote speech at Triton CFO Day | 11/2023
Tina was a keynote speaker at the 2023 Triton CFO Day on Nov-16 in Stockholm. She gave an outside-in perspective on exit readiness with distinction of content readiness and emotional readiness.
Exit Readiness Panel at DealSourcing 2023| 09/2023
Tina was a panelist at theDealSourcing conference, a high-impact network event hosted by Finance Magazine on 12-Sep in Oberursel. The workshop “100 Tage-Plan, kluge Köpfe oder Exit Readiness: was sind die wahren Treiber der Value Creation für Portfoliounternehmen?” was attended by a large audience and Tina was joined on stage by value creation experts Andi Klein (Managing Partner Triton Partners, Wilhelm B. Könning (former CEO ADA Cosmetics) as well as Sebastian Bretag (CEO Keyplayer).
Bloomberg’s New Voices Media Program | 08/2023
Tina participated in Bloomberg’s New Voices Media Training Program as part of the initial 2023 Frankfurt New Voices cohort.
Supervisory Board Appointment at PANDION AG | 07/2023
Tina was appointed deputy chairwoman to the supervisory board of PANDION AG.
Podcast Close the Deal: #23: Exit Readiness mit Tina Kleingarn | 07/2023
No exit without a good story. Be on top of your historical financials and budget. Interlink your story with your business plan and have concrete measures in place. These are only a few recommendations Tina discusses with Kai Hesselmann from DealCircle, in the 23rd episode of the podcast series “Close the Deal”. The podcast is accessible on all main podcast platforms.
Speech at the after-work networking event for the Finance Women of Munich | 06/2022
Tina was a speaker at the second edition of the after-work networking event for the Finance Women of Munich (FWoM), organised by WMCF GmbH and Keyplayer, on June 15. She shared insights together with Nathalie Kaiser from EQT Group and Simone Boehringer from GoingPublic Media AG.
WCF advises the shareholders of GlobalMed Inc. on its sale to Molded Devices Inc.
Speech at HSG Compliance Management Day | 10/2022
Tina spoke on the topic of compliance in the supervisory board at the Compliance Management Day of the University of St. Gallen. The event will be moderated by Gabe Shawn Varges, Senior Lecturer and Director of Compliance Studies, and takes place on October 20, 2022 in Zurich.
Board of Experts EIC / EIB / EIF Gender Index | 08/2022
Tina is serving in the Board of Experts supporting the Gender Index proposal to the European Innovation Council. The goal of the index is to systemically collect data on investment by women and in women-led companies in a structured and unbiased manner and support the EIC, EIB and EIF with that data and statistics.
DealCircle Interview | 08/2022
Tina was interviewed by DealCircle on the topic of Exit Readiness. In Deal Circle latest release of #Talks Tina addresses the challenges of exit readiness including the importance of equity storytelling and financial soundness.
SS&C Intralinks: Keynote on Woman in M&A | 04/2022
Tina gave a keynote speech about the drivers behind current trends in women-led strategic dealmaking and how to capitalize on M&A innovations to drive more success in deals.
Berlin School of Economics and Law: Fireside Chat | 03/2022
Tina discussed the Do’s and Don’ts in board roles with the participants of the executive class of the NED program hosted by Dr. Philine Erfurt Sandhu, academic program chair during a Fireside chat at the Berlin School of Economics and Law.
Mannheim University: Guest Lecture on Corporate Governance | 10/2021
Tina gave a guest lecture on corporate governance mechanisms and their effectiveness in the real world at the chair of corporate governance of Prof. Alexandra Niessen-Rünzi, Mannheim University.
WCF advises Porsche SE on the sale of PTV group to Bridgepoint | 10/2021
WCF acted as the financial advisor to Porsche SE in the sale of PTV Group to Bridgepoint.