Financial Experts Association (FEA e.V.) | 09/2018

Panel discussion hosted by FEA e.V.: “Zwischen Aufsicht und Rat: Mehr Aktion, weniger Reaktion. Wie handelt der Aufsichtsratsvorsitzende 4.0?“

The Financial Experts Association (FEA e.V.) hosted a panel discussion focusing on the role and balance between advisory and governance supervision of the supervisory board.


Andreas Krebs, Aufsichtsratvorsitzender der Merz Pharma GmbH & Co. KGaA und Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter Cologne Invest

Tina Kleingarn, Gründungspartnerin von Westend Corporate Finance (WCF)


Prof. Dr. Klaus-Michael Ahrend, Vorstandsmitglied der HEAG, Lehrbeauftragter für Energiewirtschaft und Corporate Governance und Honorarprofessor an der Hochschule Darmstadt

The event was held at Hogan Lovells offices in Frankfurt am Main on Sep 27th, 2018.

Working Moms Frankfurt | 09/2018

Die Rolle und Verantwortung des Aufsichtsrats – Einblicke in die Praxis

Tina Kleingarn (member of the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Wohnen SE) & Sabrina Biedenbach (founder and owner of Board Office Biedenbach) gave insights into how to become a member of the supervisory board as well as the role and responsibility of the supervisory board.

The event was held at the Villa Orange in Frankfurt am Main on Aug 15th, 2018.

Berliner Erklärung 2017

"Spitzenfrauen fragen Spitzenkandidaten” 

Tina represented the Working Moms e.V. in the individual meetings with the chancellor candidates of CDU (Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer in absence of Angela Merkel), die Linke (Dietmar Bartsch) and SPD (Martin Schulz) in Aug-2017 ahead of the German federal elections (Bundestagswahl).

The Berliner Erklärung (#BerlinerErklärung) calls for equal participation of women in leadership positions and was constituted in 2011.
